Vol. 31 No. 3


1. Teaching Challenges: TIMSS 2015 as a Source of Information about Primary School Teachers’ Attitudes towards Their Work
Snežana I. Mirkov, Institute for Educational Research, Belgrade
Nataša Z. Lalić-Vučetić, Institute for Educational Research, Belgrade


2. Inclusive Education as a Framework for Changes in Teachers’ Work
Marija S. Ratković, Medical High School, Užice
Emina Dž. Hebib, Medical High School, Užice


3. The Potential and Limitations of the Project Method in Encoraging Student Creativity in Teaching Social, Environmental and Scientific Education
Snežana L. Prtljaga, Preschool Teacher Training College “Mihajlo Palov“ in Vrša
Aleksandar M. Stojanović, University of Belgrade, Teacher Education Faculty
Sanja R. Blagdanić, University of Belgrade, Teacher Education Faculty


4. Development and Understanding of the Metaphor among the Children of the Preschool Age
Emilija Lazarević, Institute for Educational Research, Belgrade
Jelena Stevanović, Institute for Educational Research, Belgrade


5. Future Primary and Preschool Teachers between a Tendency to Adjust and a Tendency to Innovate
Мia R. Marić, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Education in Sombor
Nataša P. Branković, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Education in Sombor
Vesna N. Rodić Lukić, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Education in Sombor


6. Student Achievement at TIMSS and PISA Tests as a Guideline for Modifying Mathematics Curriculum
Јasmina Milinković, University of Belgrade, Teacher Education Faculty
Bojan Lazić, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Education in Sombor


7. Modern Technologies in Physical Education for Improving the Motor Skills of Children
Danica R. Džinović, University of Belgrade, Teacher Education Faculty
Dragan D. Martinović, University of Belgrade, Teacher Education Faculty
Filip M. Kojić, Faculty of Sport and Physical Education


8. Primary School Teachers’ Attitudes towards Heuristic Teaching of Natural Sciences in Initial Education
Мirjana T. Maričić, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Education in Sombor
Stanko M. Cvijetićanin, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Education in Sombor
Branko V. Anđić, Faculty of Science and Mathematics


9. Courses in the Curricula of the Faculties of Education (Pedagogy) in Serbia in the Function of Developing Communicative Linguistic Competencies of Future Primary School Teachers – Overview and Analysis –
Buba Stojanović, University of Niš, Teacher Training Faculty in Vranje
Danijela Mišić, University of Niš, Teacher Training Faculty in Vranje


10. The Interconnectedness of Mathematics and Music Teaching Contents in the Lower Grades of Elementary School
Jelena M. Savić, “Svetislav Golubović Mitraljeta” Primary School, Belgrade


11. Expanding and outer circle cultural content in English coursebooks commonly used in Serbia
Nenad M. Tomović, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philology
Maja M. Aleksić, Institute for Foreign Languages, Belgrade


12. Innovative approach to teaching mathematics /book review/
Sanja Maričić, University of Belgrade, Teacher Education Faculty


13. Diversifying mathematics teaching: advancing educational content and methods for prospective elementary teachers /book review/
Daniel A. Romano, Daniel A. Romano, International Mathematical Virtual Institute Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina


14. Useful web sites
Miroslava R. Ristić

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